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  1. Helix5

    Neem Oil

    Hello, I have a garden and I'm growing herbs for my rabbit along with vegetables for my family. I want to use Neem Oil diluted in water as an organic way to treat for pests and aphids. If I do this, would the herbs treated with this be safe for my rabbit to ingest? I would rinse the herbs first...
  2. Helix5

    Not Eating or Pooping, Please Help

    Hello, I have a 4 year old mini rex neutered male. Today he stopped eating and pooping. It's been nearly 6 hours and I'm really worried. He's laying down and pressing his stomach to the ground. He's still urinating. I've given him a 1.5ml does of infant gas relief drops 3 times today (once an...
  3. Helix5

    Safe Herbs

    Hello! I've been growing a lot of herbs recently and I love sharing them with my mini rex. There are 3 plants, however, that I wasn't able to find much information on as to whether or not they would be safe for rabbits. Any information would be much appreciated! The three plants in question are...
  4. Helix5

    Are These Treats Safe?

    Hello! I was looking for some treats for my Mini Rex and I came across these. I read the ingredients but I'm uncertain whether they would be safe/healthy for him. Any information or other treat recommendations would be much appreciated! Treat #1 TINY FRIENDS FARM Russel Crunchers Rabbit &...
  5. Helix5

    white bump on rabbits back end?

    Hello! I have a neutered male Mini Rex. He's a little over 2 years old. He is kept in an 8 by 5 foot pen indoors but he gets lots of supervised free roam time as well. He's fed 1/4th cup of Oxbow Essentials Adult Rabbit Food along with unlimited Timothy Hay and Fresh water each day. I noticed...
  6. Helix5

    enclosure suggestions please

    Hello. I have a 1.5 year old mini rex neutered male and I'm looking for some sort of fenced in enclosure for him to play in. He gets supervised free roam nearly all day when I'm home but since I've been going back to school lately I'm looking for some sort of pen he can have room to run in while...
  7. Helix5

    Dig Box

    My mini rex loves to dig and he typically digs on carpet or blankets. As a Christmas gift I thought he may enjoy a Dig Box. How would I make one for him? Is there a way to make it so it won't make a mess when he plays in it? Would he possibly think it's a litter Box? I don't want him to get...
  8. Helix5

    Sore Hocks?

    I have a 1.5 year old mini rex. He was 5 months when I got him and he has had 2 small pink areas on both feet from the day I got him. They haven't gotten worse or better over the year I have had him. He walks normally and doesn't seem in pain. Is this sore hocks? If so how do I treat him? Thanks!
  9. Helix5

    Rabbit circling me

    Hello. I have a 1.5 year old fixed mini rex named Helix. I have started noticing over this past month that my rabbit will run in circles around me. He gets free roam time for hours each day and He typically stays in a large carpeted room. I have started noticing, that if I leave the room to do...
  10. Helix5

    thumping bunny

    I have a 1.5 year old mini rex named Helix. Every once in a while when he's playing he will suddenly stop and stare at a wall. Then he will continuously thump and run with his ears back. He seems really scared. There is no noise nothing on the wall absolutely nothing. I don't know why he does...
  11. Helix5

    Rabbit lifts front paw when I pet his cheek

    I noticed with my 1.5 year old mini rex, whenever I pet his cheek near his paw when he is lying down, he will lift his front paw up slightly but he seems relaxed. Is that normal?
  12. Helix5

    Mini Rex lifespan

    I have a 1.5 year old mini rex named Helix. I was just curious so I looked up mini rex lifespan but found some info saying 5 years while some said 15 years? I'm just wondering but what's a healthy life span for a mini rex? Thanks in advance.
  13. Helix5

    please help!

    I have a 1.5 year old mini rex. He ate some Oxbow food this morning. I left for 3 hours and when I got home he was lieing down and not wanting to get up. He won't eat. He refuses to move around. I lifted him up and he was just still and allowed me to hold him. He typically lets me hold him for...