Best supply for bunnies.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2023
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Henderson NV
What are the best large hay feeder for groups of bunnies?
what are the best litter pan for groups of bunnies?
what are the best environmental houses for bunnies?
Depends on size and number of rabbits, where and how they are housed, what your expectations are, etc.

I built all hay racks, from an old crib and wooden baby or dog gates, or wire baskets from old freezers and such. Imo it's better to have 2-4 hay racks for a group than one big one, but also a little more work.

I use underbed storage boxes and a low walled cat litter tray, the first are made of PP and not ideal for outdoors since they get brittle under freezing temperatures. Inside, they are fairly ok.

About houses and such you can get some ideas from the indoor and outdoor housing threads, what is best depends for you depends on several factors.:
The search will turn up more.
> What are the best large hay feeder for groups of bunnies?

I have a large wooden hay feeder from 101Rabbits, and my guys don't really care for it. They'd rather eat hay from the floor of their litter boxes or have hay tossed on the floor. (Same with pellets: they don't like food dishes and just want it on the floor.)

> what are the best litter pan for groups of bunnies?

If space is limited, a high sides cat litter box (I have Van Ness brand). It only fits one medium sized rabbit, though.

If you have room, just a large plastic container. My guys love SPACIOUS litter boxes, and the plastic storage containers from Wal-Mart are fine with them... and they can both fit in the same one. A user here named BlueEyes has some pictures of these.

> what are the best environmental houses for bunnies?

Free roam in a safe, rabbit-proofed area is best, with hidey huts/houses so they have somewhere to hide & feel safe. I use Ikea Hols (European model, so you have to import to the US), a cottontail cottage (from BinkyBunny), and willow tents (also BinkyBunny).

As for where my rabbits spend 98% of their time? Underneath chairs & the dining room table, underneath my bed (rabbit proofed), in the middle of a coffee table (I put a rug there so they have traction), in front of the couch, and in a few random open spots on the floor. Turns out they don't care for the fancy expensive stuff from stores! :)
I'm fostering 5 bunnies in one area and this hay feeder works great for them. 2305 Mega Hay Rack - 20 inch wide I put an underbed storage box beneath it as a litter pan and put a layer of wood pellets in the bottom. The pan catches errant hay to so it work well. Pertwerks also has some hideouts, tunnels and toys made of rabbit safe materials.'s a small, family-owned business in oregon that has been around since 1997 and you can contact them directly for info on any of their products.

My spoiled rabbits have wooden houses and castles but these things can be expensive and really not necessary since they are just as happy with cat tunnels and cardboard boxes. I just like them because they look better in my living room and since my bunnies OWN the living room... LOL!
Thank you so much for the responses, and can I ask you one more question what is the best groom brushes for bunnies that work the best?
What are the best large hay feeder for groups of bunnies?
what are the best litter pan for groups of bunnies?
what are the best environmental houses for bunnies?

Looking back I see that your baby rabbits will be 8 weeks of age on Friday. Do keep in mind as you are considering litter pans and hay feeders, etc. that in 2 weeks, you will need to separate the girl babies from the boy babies. They have to be kept in separate housing by 10 weeks of age. So you'll need a minimum of 2 separate housing areas.

Then, a couple weeks after that, you may need to separate each boy from each other if their hormones cause them to get aggressive. Do you know their sexes? However many boys you have will determine how many more separate housing areas you'll need.

Then you'll need to keep an eye on the remaining females too. Hormones can also cause them to not get along and then they may need to be separated as well.
ummm… I don’t know there sexes yet because I searched and it says that you have to separate male and female at
3-4months of age. And is there a possible way of the male and female bunnies to live together even if they get a little aggressive like one hutch for males and one hutch for females?
ummm… I don’t know there sexes yet because I searched and it says that you have to separate male and female at
3-4months of age. And is there a possible way of the male and female bunnies to live together even if they get a little aggressive like one hutch for males and one hutch for females?
Nope. They need to be separated sooner. The age at which they are capable of breeding is earlier than the ideal age to breed.

Preitler is a regular breeder of rabbits. You can see his reply to this question here:
As far as keeping all males together, that won't work. It isn't a matter of them getting "a little aggressive." Rabbits can fight viciously-- to the point of serious injury or even to death.

Seeing little kits snuggle together at this young age can make it difficult to imagine them ever getting that aggressive. But it can and does happen. And as you'll see in the above link, keeping them together til 4 months of age could result in many more babies.
It's more like at 9-12 weeks to seperation between boyes and girls, depending on size, small breeds mature faster. The youngest doe of mine getting pregnant was just 14 weeks, and mine are 10lbs rabbits.

Females together can work in the right setup, that's how I keep my 3-4 does and their doelings now. It can happen that 2 characters simply don't match, that's why I had two pairs before.
Does have quite some social tools to establish a hierachy, never had them escalate inside a group.

Intact males together, well, nope. I keep my bucklings together for up to 16-20 weeks, but I have to watch them closely, which needs some experience to read the signs. If they snap, it can end badly in seconds, with serious injuries or death. Their incentive to fight is not hierachy, but to drive opponents away - which doesn't work in a closed space.
Even neutered males are the most problematic pairing and needs luck, luck and experience, and a doe just being nearby can upset that peace.

If you keep rabbits together be absolutly sure about there sexes. Check weekly (in case the Sex Change Fairy paid a visit, a frequent occurance...), and if possible get a second opinion. A buck accidentially ending up in a cage with the does is a very happy buck.
Hi, I have a question about water bottles for bunnies, just want to know if large dogs water bottles are the best for bunnies or original bunny water bottles?
Thank you so much, so I just have to separate the female and male at 8weeks old.
At 9 or 10 weeks as explained above.
Hi, I have a question about water bottles for bunnies, just want to know if large dogs water bottles are the best for bunnies or original bunny water bottles?
Bowls are better than bottles. A shallow ceramic bowl (heavy) or a crock attached to the cage side.
thank you for the reply, and I do know that water bowls are the best but I actually put water bottles to, incase my bunnies get dehydration that’s why I’m asking if large dogs water bottles are the best for bunnies or original bunny water bottles.

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